Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Ég hef oft séð sagt um staði eða lönd að þau séu með mjög mikilvæga geóstrategíska stöðu. Lönd sem liggja nálægt mikilvægum auðlindum, siglingaleiðum, á mörkum áhrifasvæða eða á annan hátt á mikilvægum stöðum. Nú, hafandi séð þetta sagt um flest lönd sem ég hef lesið um, fór ég að velta fyrir mér hvort það væri til eitthvað land sem væri ekki mikilvægt í geóstrategískum skilningi. Ég skoðaði landakort ... leitaði og leitaði ... og held að ég hafi á endanum fundið eitt: Kergúelen-eyjar eru örugglega lítils virði í geóstrategískum skilningi. Afskekktur rokrass syðst í Indlandshafi.
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Eins og þeirra var von og vísa býður World Socialist Web Site upp á vandaða greinargerð um ástandið í Kyrgyztan. Mæli með því.
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Í fréttum frá Qatar segir:
[A] senior Maoist rebel leader yesterday denied Nepalese military reports that the movement is split but did not directly respond to army claims that he and his wife had been expelled from the party’s politburo.

“We feel no humiliation but great honour and pleasure at being within the reliable security cordon of the revolutionary people’s liberation army,” Baburam Bhattarai and his wife Hisila Yami said in a joint statement.
Bhattarai said there was no animosity between them and party chief Pushpa Kamla Dahal, alias Prachanda. But he and his wife did not mention their current status in the party.

They accused the army of trying to sow confusion by claiming a schism in the Maoist camp.

“The opportunist elements and the fascists have been trying since long to create confusion by creating malicious propaganda that there is a leadership race and personal animosity between our glorious party chairman Prachanda and us,” the statement said.

The statement hinted that some differences had emerged within the party on ideological issues such as the Prachanda Path, the ideological line set out by the top leader last year.

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