Monday, December 27, 2004

Á heimasíðu Félagsins Íslands-Palestínu er ný grein, skrifuð að Uri Avnery og þýdd af bróður mínum. Fyrir þá sem ekki vita, er Avnery stofnandi ísraelsku friðarsamtakanna Gush Shalom. Hann stendur á áttræðu og hefur verið pólítískur aktífisti í meira en 60 ár. Geri aðrir betur.


The Proletarian er ágætt blað. Innan um umdeilanlegan boðskap þess má finna sönn gullkorn. Þessi orð geri ég að mínum:

The questions 'addressed' by Kyoto -- gas emissions and global warming -- are issues that, in the interests of the continued existence of mankind, need to be fully investigated and solved without further delay. It certainly is not beyond the realm of human ability to find a solution to these pressing problems -- such is the level of scientific and technical ability at our disposal.

However, the capitalist system cannot and will not mobilise the forces of science for such a purpose. To the imperialist, every penny not used for profit-generating capital is a penny wasted -- a penny closer to being driven out of the market by the competitors.

(The Proletarian, Dec.04/Jan.05, s.7)

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